Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
In the event that it is intended to make a key decision at least 28 days before the Cabinet meeting is impracticable due to special urgency, the local authority obtain the agreement of the Chair of the relevant overview and scrutiny committee (Corporate Performance Panel) that the making of the decision is urgent and cannot reasonably be deferred (Regulation 11 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012).
Councillor Dark, Chair of the Corporate Performance Panel has given agreement to this.
The matter will therefore not be subject to call in.
That the extension of
scope on the existing road and infrastructure contract on the Nar
Ouse Regeneration Area Enterprise Zone, to include the removal of
the contamination in the Enterprise Zone area, including areas
adjacent to the alignment of the road and utility works be
approved. The additional costs of this
contract extension will be covered by the existing NORA Remediation
budget within the Capital Programme.
Reason for Decision
This decision is urgent as the road and utility construction contract is already underway, and there are significant risks associated with pausing and/or delaying this contract. If this decision is not taken in accordance with the recommendations, the contractor will need to cease works as they will not be able to comply with the requirements of the statutory regulator (Environment Agency) in respect of the contamination. This could lead to significant contractual dispute, cost and liabilities.
In addition to the above the new NHS Health Facility, currently under construction on the Enterprise Zone, is required to be open in March/April 2024. Delay in delivering the road and utility infrastructure could impact upon this.
The road and infrastructure delivery will open-up a significant swathe of development land that can be sold for capital receipts and encourage private sector investment and job creation. This site will have a potentially significant financial contribution to make to the King’s Lynn & West Norfolk local economy.
Publication date: 22/11/2023
Date of decision: 20/11/2023
Decided at meeting: 20/11/2023 - Cabinet