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Appointments Board/Investigating and Disciplinary Committee
Appointments Panel
Audit Committee
Bio Diversity Task Group
Cabinet Members Delegated Decisions
Cabinet Scrutiny Committee
CIL Governance Task Group
CIL Spending Panel
Corporate Performance Panel
Custom Build and Self Build Policy Development Task Group
Environment and Community Panel
Governance Task Group
Guildhall Complex and Creative Hub Task Group
Homelessness & Housing Delivery Task Group
Investigating and Disciplinary Sub Committee
Joint Meeting of the Regeneration & Development and Environment & Community Panel
Joint Panel Meeting
King's Lynn and West Norfolk Area Museums Committee
King's Lynn Area Committee
King's Lynn Area Consultative Committee - Planning Sub-Group
Licensing and Appeals Board
Licensing Committee
Local Development Framework Task Group
Local Plan Task Group
Member Major Projects Board
Officer Delegated Decisions
Planning Committee
Planning Committee Sifting Panel
Regeneration and Development Panel
Regeneration, Environment and Community Panel
Resources and Performance Panel
Shareholder Committee
Standards Committee
West Norfolk Disability Forum
Non Pecuniary
Anota, Councillor Bal Anota
Ayres, Councillor Barry Ayres
Barclay, Councillor Thomas Barclay
Bartrum, Councillor Micaela Bartrum
Beal, Councillor Paul Beal
Beales, Councillor Alistair Beales
Bearshaw, Councillor Steven Bearshaw
Bhondi, Councillor Jim Bhondi
Bland, Councillor Paul Bland
Blunt, Councillor Richard Blunt
Bone, Councillor Francis Bone
Bubb, Councillor Anthony Bubb
Bullen, Councillor Andy Bullen
Coates, Councillor Richard Coates
Collingham, Councillor Mrs Judith Collingham
Collop, Councillor Sandra Collop
Colwell, Councillor Robert Colwell
Crofts, Councillor Chris Crofts
Dark, Councillor Stuart Dark
de Whalley, Councillor Michael de Whalley
de Winton, Councillor Tom de Winton
Devulapalli, Councillor Pallavi Devulapalli
Dickinson, Councillor Angie Dickinson
Everett, Councillor Steve Everett
Heneghan, Councillor Deborah Heneghan
Hodson, Councillor Peter Hodson
Humphrey, Councillor Harry Humphrey
Jamieson, Councillor Andrew Jamieson
Jones, Councillor Ben Jones
Joyce, Councillor Charles Joyce
Kemp, Councillor Alexandra Kemp
Kirk, Councillor Julian Kirk
Kunes, Councillor Paul Kunes
Lawrence, Councillor Adrian Lawrence
Lintern, Councillor Susanne Lintern
Long, Councillor Brian Long
Lowe, Councillor Joshua Lowe
Moriarty, Councillor Jim Moriarty
Morley, Councillor Chris Morley
Nash, Councillor Simon Nash
Osborne, Councillor Joshua Osborne
Parish, Councillor Terry Parish
Ratcliffe, Councillor Josie Ratcliffe
Ring, Councillor Simon Ring
Rose, Councillor Colin Rose
Rust, Councillor Jo Rust
Ryves, Councillor Alun Ryves
Sandell, Councillor Samantha Sandell
Sayers, Councillor David Sayers
Spikings, Councillor Mrs Vivienne Spikings
Squire, Councillor Sandra Squire
Storey, Councillor Martin Storey
Tyler, Councillor Don Tyler
Ware, Councillor Alexandra Ware
Wilkinson, Councillor Margaret Wilkinson
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period