Agenda item


Officers present introduced themselves.


The Housing Services Manager gave a Presentation on the background covering Government Policy and relevant Legislation, as attached.


Officers responded to questions from Members of the Task Group, as summarised below:


·         In terms of the final use of the home and if the owner could resell etc., this would be looked at in the Planning definitions and the land Use Policies.

·         Different options were available for the ownership of land.  Some companies offered sites and were in control of the site, which still came under Custom Build.  Some companies released plots and they were in control of the owner.

·         With regard to the term ‘serviced plots’, it was clarified that this meant that the plots did not have to be serviced before they were released for build.  However, consideration needed to be given to the accessibility of services to the plots, for example drainage and electricity etc. needed to be available in the vicinity.

·         A register was available for people to register their interest in Custom Build and Self Build plots.  The register asked for details such as budget, timescales and type of plot desired.

·         The Task Group was advised that Custom Build and Self Build plots were exempt from CIL, however if they were sold on within a number of years, they could be liable to CIL. 

·         Custom Build and Self Build projects offered opportunities for economies of scale if an organisation or group of people worked together.

·         Affordable properties at Shropshire were provided as an example and the Task Group were informed that over 250 affordable Self Build properties had been available in this area.  The resale value of the properties was restricted and applicants had to meet certain eligibility criteria to apply for a property.

·         Examples of a scheme in Cambridge were provided.  Individuals could pay a membership to an organisation and would have control over the design of the properties they wanted to live in.

·         Discussions were held as to whether it was better to engage further with the public now, or wait until policies had been formulated.


The Housing Development Officer informed the Task Group that the register had been launched in April, with an accompanying press release.  The register had been created in conjunction with other Norfolk Authorities so that a Norfolk wide register could be provided as well as registers for the individual organisations.  28 individuals had registered so far, and further promotion of the register would be carried out in due course.  The Task Group was informed that it was a statutory requirement for Authorities to provide a register and the Council’s response to the register would be formulated into Policy.  The Housing Development Officer explained that recent additional guidance had been received on the register and Local Authorities could charge people for joining the register, however it was felt that this could act as a deterrent.  The Register could also be restricted to those with local connections and those with the financial capacity to develop self-build.  The Council’s current register was not restricted, but it did ask questions about local connections and budget available.


The Task Group was informed that the Council had an obligation, as set out in the Act, to give permission for sufficient serviceable plots to meet the demand of the register within three years.


The Housing Services Manager explained that communication and promotion of the register and strategy would include estate agents and planning agents as it could be a useful tool for their clients.



(i) The Housing Strategy Officer to confirm the timescales involved in the liability to pay CIL if properties were sold on.

(ii) Members of the Task Group to look at the Custom and Self Build Toolkit Website.

(iii) The LDF Manager and the Principal Planner to look at how many self-build/individual sites had come forward for Planning Permission recently.

Supporting documents: