Agenda item

Members are requested to submit questions in advance to


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The Chair explained that he had requested this question and answer session so that the Panel had the opportunity to raise issues with the Portfolio Holders and for Portfolio Holders to help identify issues which could be included in the Panel’s future Work Programme.


It was noted that the issues raised would be forwarded to those Portfolio Holders who weren’t present at the meeting for a response.


(i)               Use of e-scooters, bikes and public safety along the promenade at Hunstanton.


Councillor Spikings was concerned about the safety of residents along the Promenade in Hunstanton as she had watched many people on e-scooters and bicycles riding through pedestrians, sometimes at speed and she felt that this was dangerous, especially at high tide.  Councillor Spikings informed the Panel that the Council had put up signage along the Promenade, but asked who was responsible for enforcement as a strong policy was needed on this.


The Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Business and Culture, Councillor Ring,  agreed with Councillor Spikings comments and agreed to take this back to Cabinet Members and officers for an update.


The Chair commented that e-scooters weren’t allowed on public highways, but he wasn’t sure what the Promenade would be classed as because it was Council land.


Councillor Osborne suggested that the matter be raised with the Hunstanton Police Priorities Panel so that the Police were aware of the issue.


Councillor Sayers commented that he had raised the issue of e-scooters with the Police and Crime Commissioner.


The Chair thanked Councillor Ring for agreeing to raise this with the relevant Portfolio Holder and awaited an update so that the matter could be referred to the relevant Panel for further consideration if required.


The Vice Chair suggested that a broadcast system be used in Hunstanton which could be used to broadcast safety messages, as well as messages for missing children etc.


Councillor Ring commented that he would raise the issues relating to Hunstanton at the next meeting of the Hunstanton Advisory Group.


(ii)              Budget Setting process


The Chair outlined the budget setting process followed at County and explained that it provided the opportunity for Members to get involved at an early stage.  The Chair asked the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Councillor Morley if there would be additional opportunities for the Panel’s to get involved in the budget setting process.


Councillor Morley commented that he was currently working on the timeline for budget setting and he would ensure that slots for this Panel to get involved would be included.


The Chair explained that this Panel could hold an additional meeting if required and invite Members of the other Panels to also attend.


In response to a question from the Chair, the Portfolio Holder for Finance provided an update on the Internal Drainage Board settlement and explained that t was likely that a settlement would be available for West Norfolk.  Further lobbying would take place to raise the issue of coastal authorities being penalised with Internal Drainage Board contributions.


Councillor Sandell asked that the Portfolio Holder for Finance give consideration to involving Parish Council’s at an early stage in the budget setting process so that they could feed information into their precept setting.