Agenda item



Proposed residential development at Plaxtole House  70 Goodwins Road  King's Lynn  Norfolk  PE30 5PD  


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The Senior Planner presented the application to the Sub-Group and highlighted the proposed site plan. She clarified to the Sub-Group this included a mixture of dwellings,1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom dwellings along with a play area and visitor parking.


She brought to the Sub- Group attention that the application was by Freebridge Housing Community for 22 dwellings and a condition of this application was the dwellings were affordable.


The Senior Planner confirmed the existing trees would be retained and presented to the Sub- Group the street scenes to the group and added additional street scenes have been requested due to land levels being increased due to flood risk.


The Senior Planner advised Highway Officer had requested further information in terms of the Highway Network which was also a concern from neighbouring residences. She added in terms of Biodiversity Net Gain there was a loss and therefore awaiting further information as part of the consideration.


The Chair, Councillor Jones invited questions and comments from the Sub- Group.


Councillor Jones asked if the houses are different colours.


The Senior Planner confirmed on the elevations, some dwellings are buff brick and some are red brick. She added they are all facing brick with details around the windows. 


The Chair, Councillor Jones sought clarification on the location of the site.


In response to Councillor Jones, the Senior Planner provided clarification of the location of the site using Google Earth and highlighted surrounding roads and landmarks.


Councillor Bartrum commented the area was already congested and felt it was important to wait on Highways response and further information.


The Senior Planner added consent had previously been given for 18 dwellings and awaiting further information that the access would be safe.


Councillor Ware agreed information from Highways was an important consideration and asked further if there had been many objections to the application.


The Senior Planner confirmed to the Sub- Group there had been a few objections regarding the Highway Network and access and visibility to the site.


 AGREED: That the Sub-Group had no objection to the application subject to Highways being satisfied. 




Amendments to service yard layout.  at Travis Perkins   Hamlin Way Hardwick Narrows  King's Lynn  Norfolk PE30 4NG  

 Click here to view the recording of this item on YouTube.

The Graduate Planner presented the application to the Sub- Group. He advised the application was amendments to the existing site.  

The Graduate Planner highlighted to the Sub- Group the proposed changes which included loss of two parking spaces for storage. He explained due to the size of this site the application was considered major.

He confirmed the objection to the application was from KLWNBUG The Norfolk and Fens Cycling Campaign, however Highways and Ecology had no objections.

There was no comments or questions from the Sub- Group.

AGREED: That the Sub-Group had no objection to the application





Internal and external restoration and refurbishment works to existing buildings, including internal and external demolition, reconfiguration and rebuilding, minor extension(s), part change of use, associated plant and enclosures and hard and soft landscape works at  Guildhall of St George  1 St Georges Courtyard And  29 King Street  King's Lynn  Norfolk


Click here to view the recording of this item on YouTube.


The Senior Planner presented the application to the Sub-Group and explained the scope of development and the existing elevations. She highlighted the solar panels as part of the application and the proposed landscape changes.

She confirmed the restaurant will remains open and in the same location.

The Senior Planner brought to the Sub-Group attention the foyer which was the glazed/modern extension along with cladding changes. She explained as part of the application, flooring would be removed, and additional seating added.


Councillor Ware referred to the archaeology response on the application and sought clarification if this would hold the process up.


The Senior Planner clarified this was from the Historic Environment Service who have suggested ground works would be monitored and this had been granted with conditions.


AGREED: That the Sub-Group had no objection to the application