Agenda item

Representatives from Norfolk County Council will be present at the meeting to provide an update.


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube.


Ian Parkes from Norfolk County Council provided the Panel with an update on the King’s Lynn Transport Strategy.  He explained that the Issues and Opportunities Report was the first output from the Strategy and would go out for Stakeholder and Member consultation shortly.  All Members would be engaged in the consultation process and following the consultation and implementation plan would be produced. 


Ian Parkes outlined the process and the next steps which included shortlisting options and the creation of the Implementation Plan.


Ian Parkes invited comments from Members and also explained that comments could be emailed through to him as part of the consultation process.


The Chair thanked Ian Parkes for the presentation and invited comments from the Panel on the King’s Lynn Transport Strategy Issues and Opportunities Report, as summarised below.


The Chair explained that it was important for this work to link in with the work of the Informal Working Group which had been established by the Panel and Ian Parkes reminded Members that there would be Member engagement events scheduled to ensure that Councillors were able to provide comment on the Strategy.


Councillor Colwell welcomed opportunities to take pedestrians away from the busty Gaywood Road, and instead take them along the river bank.  He also commented that it was necessary to have a safe crossing area at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Roundabout.


Councillor Colwell commented that the lack of buses linking Gaywood to St James Medical centre should be looked at, as well as providing more taxis and buses to serve the night time economy.


Councillor Colwell commented that the King’s Lynn Area Committee were also looking at Tennyson Road crossing at the Walks and he welcomed any solutions.  Ian Parkes explained that this area was being looked at as part of the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan and a scheme was being pulled together.


Councillor Blunt asked if the Panel would have the opportunity to comment on the draft Strategy before it was finalised and suggested that it be brought to the Panel for consideration as a single item Agenda.  Ian Parkes reminded Members of the Member engagement sessions that would be arranged.


The Chair referred to the Local Housing Needs Assessment and felt that the vision included in the report needed more detail.


The Vice Chair, Councillor Everett asked Ian Parkes how much longer the funding was in place for the £1.50 bus fares and if there was opportunities for this to be extended.  Ian Parkes explained that he would ask his colleagues to provide an update on this.


Councillor Beal referred to buses serving Hunstanton and that most of them stopped around 9pm, which was a problem for those attending the theatre, bars and employment.  He asked that consideration be given to extending the services available.


In response to a question from Councillor Bubb it was explained that WSP had been commissioned to carry out the study and this would be used to update the Transport Strategy so that opportunities for funding could be sought.


Councillor Collingham commented that the vision needed to include bus hubs, and an extension of the rail network.  Ian Parkes commented that this report was the Issues and Opportunities report and provided an evidence base to formulate ideas and could be built on to develop interventions.


The Regeneration Programmes Manager explained that the previous King’s Lynn Transport Strategy had been published in 2019 and this process would update the 2019 strategy to ensure that it was fit for purpose and included short, medium and long term measures.


Councillor Colwell commented that it was important to plan for the future increase of housing.


The Chair commented that the vision needed to include the need for an additional rail station and transport hub.  He also referred to opportunities to link Norwich Airport which brought in a lot of freight to West Norfolk.


In response to a query from Councillor Ratcliffe, Ian Parkes explained that West Winch Growth Area was a key area within the Strategy.


The Chair commented that the Ferry Service needed recognising in the plan, including the need for disabled access and repairs.


Councillor Lintern commented that transport hubs and rail issues needed to feature in the plan.


Councillor Kemp addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34 and commented that mention of Hardings Way being used for vehicles needed to be removed.  Ian Parkes explained that a study of this area had been undertaken and the report mentioned that allowing general vehicles along Hardings Way would be of no benefit, therefore it had been removed from the plan.


Councillor Crofts commented that Hardings Way was an underused area and ways to alleviate traffic should be investigated.


Councillor Long addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34 and explained that it was important to progress the Strategy so that projects were shovel ready once funding opportunities were available.  He commented that a Parkway Station should be considered within the Strategy.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Beales informed Members that discussions were ongoing with Eastern Powerhouse to look at opportunities for rail networks in this area.


Ian Parkes then provided the Panel with an update on the STARS project explaining that this had come from the previous Transport Strategy and formed part of the Southgates Masterplan.  He explained that work was ongoing on the Outline Business Case which would be submitted to DfT.  Discussions were also ongoing with Historic England and Conservation Officers.  Ian Parkes explained that as the scheme progressed, further updates could be provided to Members.


The Chair commented that he would like to see more detail of the traffic modelling as he had understood that the work would not improve traffic flow.


Councillor Long addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34 and commented that it was important to ensure that adequate disabled access was included in any work. He also commented that it was important to consider the impact the work would have on local businesses.


Councillor Kemp addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34 and commented that if the scheme increased congestion it would need to be relooked at as it would impact air quality.  She also raised concerns relating to the Town Wall and Ian Parkes explained that Historic England and Conservation Officers were being engaged in the process.


RESOLVED: The Panel noted the update.


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