Agenda item

Project Highlight reports cover February 2024/March 2024 are listed below:


a.         P-21.02 NORA EZ – Road Infrastructure

b.         P-21.03a NORA EZ – Development of spec units – phase 1

c.         P-21.05- Major Housing- Parkway – Florence Fields

d.         P-21.06 Major Housing – Salters Road

e.         P-21.08 Major Housing – Southend Road

f.          P-21.09 West Winch Growth Area

g.         P-21.10a Southgates – Place Making

h.         P-21.10b Southgates – STARS

i.          P-21.11 Guildhall

j.          P- 21.12 ACC

k.         P-21.14 Riverfront

l.          P- 21.15 Rail to River

m.        P- 21.16 MUCH

n.         P- 21.17 Boost



Click here to view the recording of this item on YouTube.


The Executive Director presented the highlights reports following the overview reports. 


The Chair requested the reports were presented in RAG rating order.


NORA - Road Infrastructure


The Executive Director highlighted to the Board this was a red status but was moving forward.  The main risks were delays and projected overspend discussed with Norfolk County Council.


The Executive Director invited the Assistant Director of Property and Projects to comment further.


Roads and infrastructure were nearly complete however a key issue was power supply with UK Power Network; acquired substation capacity however had not been delivered.


Medical Centre deadline to open was July 2024.




The Executive Director highlighted to the board this was a red status however progress had been made.


Heritage discoveries have been made as part of the progress. The cost plan and funding options are being considered and discussed. Managing risk over cost and opportunity.


An Information Day had been held on the 9th May 2024 which  was successful and the project team had received positive feedback.


The Chair asked if Officers were on track to meet the deadline for RIBA Stage 3 at the end of May 2024.  Councillor Morley sought further reassurance that this deadline would be met, for in which the Executive Director advised he would clarify further with Officers.


NORA - Development of Spec Units


The Executive Director advised the Board this was an amber status and invited the Assistant Director to comment further.


The Assistant Director confirmed the final negotiations with tenants were underway and close to completion. Further issues were being resolved.


The Chair asked when the first tenant should be in occupation. The Assistant Director clarified it was dependant on the completion of the roads and the timescales which had been rearranged to accommodate the new Medical Centre. He confirmed by the end of May/beginning of June 2024 access to the Medical Centre should be complete.


In responses to questions from Councillor Morley, the Assistant Director confirmed a current tenant of the King’s Lynn Innovation Centre (KLIC) would be taking up occupation along with a business relating to health care and that interest from manufacturing companies had been received for the industrial units.


In response to further questions from Councillor Morley, the Assistant Director clarified the KLIC building was 100% let and demand was strong, consequently there was no concern with any change of occupation, and he anticipated there would be a net increase in the Council’s general income.


The Assistant Director invited the Board to a site visit of the new speculative units once the roads had been completed to gain a further understanding of the units which have been built.


The Chair agreed this would be of interest not just to the Board but to all Councillors.


Councillor Parish referred to the planning application of these units and stated it was optional for tenants to have solar panels. He asked if this option has been taken by tenants.


The Assistant Director confirmed the units were designed to accommodate solar panels however this was debated further as there would be a cost to the Council from which future tenants would benefit. If a tenant wanted solar panels this would be down to them to install.


Councillor Parish brought to the Board’s attention that as a Borough we should be working towards lowering our carbon footprint.


The Assistant Director clarified electrical car charging points were being fitted and would confirm with tenants if they have chosen to install solar panels.


The Chair endorsed Councillor Parish’s comments and made further comment that different businesses have different demand, usage, and electricity generation. He asked for parameters to be put into place to understand how the Council’s objectives can be fulfilled.


The Assistant Director confirmed an issue which had risen recently was the shift from gas to electricity resulting in air source heat pumps and electrical car charging points.


The Executive Director referred to an upcoming networking conference which a Norfolk delegation, including Officers from this Council would be attending, to promote projects such as NORA and that investors and other local authorities would be in attendance.



Parkway- Florence Fields


The Executive Director confirmed to the Board the status was amber and there were issues due to groundwork sub-contractors ceasing trading and the potential impact on timescales. Positives steps had been taken by the contractors and risk had been reduced.


The Principal Project Manager advised a new groundwork sub-contractor has been appointed. He assured the Board this had not put the project in a worse financial position. As a result of this issue the first units had been delayed but an overall review had confirmed the overall project would not be delayed.


The Chair asked when the show home was expected and was this delayed.


In response to the Chair’s question, Principal Project Manager confirmed he would need to find the exact date and report back to the Board but anticipated that it would be September/October.


In further response to the Chair, the Principal Project Manager confirmed the improved weather recently had significantly helped the drainage issues and demonstrated a temporary solution to the Internal Drainage Board. A permanent solution was waiting to be confirmed.


Councillor Moriarty asked if Homes England had been notified of the position of the project. The Principal Project Manager provided assurance that as this was out of our control Homes England understood, and updates would be provided to them.


Councillor Morley sought clarification over the groundwork contractors were the same. The Principal Project Manager confirmed the site is now all contracted. He advised it was considered to have two sub-contractors however the contractors which have been appointed have the capacity for the whole site. 


Salters Road


The Executive Director referred the board to the status of this which had changed to amber from green. He confirmed 30% of the site had been handed over which was 23 plots and positive feedback had been received from the tenants. 


The Principal Project Manager clarified there had been issues with the groundworks however this has been resolved. This was communicated with Freebridge Community Housing and Homes England. He confirmed properties would still be delivered by the end of the year and the status of this report would be green at the next meeting.


Councillor Moriarty sought clarification regarding Freebridge Community Housing asking for a change in scope.


The Principal Project Manager advised the Board that Freebridge Community Housing had made the decision for all new properties to include flooring which previously was not included. This had been added to their package with us. Which is cost effective for them and manageable for us when handing over the property.


Southend Road


The Executive Director introduced the report and referred to a presentation  that was later on in the meeting agenda, to be presented by the Principal Project Manager.


The Principal Project Manager highlighted the timeline was a red status. Technical delays were complex, and the presentation would provide further detail. Further risks which were red related to sales however the finances are steady and managed therefore the project was amber status.


In response to a question from the Chair, the Principal Project Manager confirmed completion date was likely to be October.




West Winch Growth Area


The Executive Director referred the Board to the status of this which had changed from amber to green. The one amber status is for resource which the Executive Director is considering operationally.  


He confirmed Norfolk County Council formally secured £18.39m of Homes England funding in March 2024.


In response to Councillor Moriarty, the Executive Director confirmed he would report back after clarifying with officers regarding the objectives for the economic strategy.


Southgates- Place Making


The Executive Director advised the Board that King’s Lynn and West Norfolk were leading on this and the status was mainly green but part amber which related to Southgates STARS development.


The Chair asked for an update on timescales for the application for the Brownfield funding which would support this project.


The Principal Project Manager confirmed the Council were still waiting for an outcome and that if the application was unsuccessful the project would be reviewed at that time.


Southgates- STARS


The Executive Director advised Norfolk County Council were leading this project. The status of the project was green but included amber risks which were timescales.


Councillor Moriarty referred to the report stating the deadline had been deferred from February to May. He asked if Officer had received an update and was this a resource issue.


The Principal Project Manager commented the surveys had been undertaken and completed after a delay. The Assistant Director added that there were further works required.


Councillor Parish commented that Highways intended on moving a lane to restrict traffic flow to reduce the number of cars on the road.


The Executive Director stated the impact of the project was being considered and steps being taken to manage risks moving forward.


Active and Clean Connectivity


The Executive Director highlighted to the Board the status of this was amber. The crossing at Tennyson Road was the main risk of the project, and a solution was being considered however the remainder of the project was being progressed.


Riverfront Regeneration


The Riverfront report was introduced by the Executive Director who confirmed the status was amber.


He advised feedback and opposition had been received in relation to the proposed changes at the Custom House.


The Executive Director invited the Assistant Director to comment further. The Assistant Director advised there were two parts to the project: Custom House and the area around Devil’s Alley, as well as provision of dryside facilities. Further engagements with Historic England and the Council’s Conservation Officer were required to overcome issues , it was agreed the reliance on informal initial advice was an issue and the project would now deal according to the formal advice given. There have been Biodiversity Net Gain issues which required further work and discussion.


The Chair commented that he felt sure that the issues around biodiversity net gain would be resolved as an overall net gain would be achieved and that delays were to be expected.


Councillor Moriarty referred the Board and Officers to 2.2 of the report and commented the status of the issues should be red. He commented a lesson to be learnt is to involve other departments at an even earlier stage.


Rail to River


The Executive Director advised the Board the overall status of this project was amber due to financial and timeline issues.


The Interim Major Projects Consultant advised the artwork was in the country therefore Officers were waiting a further timeline for delivery. Adjustments were being made for the Pop Up’s but progressing.


Councillor Parish sought clarification regarding the artwork. The Interim Major Projects Consultant provided clarification that the manufacture was in Ireland.


In response to the Chair, the Interim Major Projects Consultant confirmed they were still awaiting sign off on licenses for the arch.




The Executive Director advised the Board, Norfolk County Council led on this project. He confirmed a key issue has been the relocation of the critical telecoms mast however this was moving forward.


Councillor Moriarty asked if the status was amber moving to green. The Executive Director confirmed he understood it was anticipated to, once the mast had been relocated.


The Chair asked for an update on this element to be given as soon as possible from the County Council.


Councillor Morley commented the project was social based and that the report on this project should be widened to include progress against the intended social aspects what was planned to happen inside the building rather than just the construction aspects.






The Executive Director brought the Boards attention to the status of this project being green. He advised Norfolk County Council leads this project.


Councillor Parish asked if the Boost Project would be extended beyond the boundary of the King’s Lynn town area.


The PMO Manager advised the project had successfully obtained UK SPF funding to extend by one year and for that year it has been broadened to whole of the district, also that Officers are actively working with Norfolk County Council to try to extend beyond that further year.  



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