Agenda item



PP 24/00622/FM


Conversion of St.James Medical Centre to 11 Flats (Change of Use)  at  NHS  St James Medical Practice  County Court Road  King's Lynn  Norfolk


Click here to view the recording of this item on YouTube.


The Principal Planner presented the application to the Sub-Group. She highlighted the location of the site, which was in the King’s Lynn Conservation Area and confirmed it was an important unlisted building adjacent to the Walks which was a grade 2 park and garden.


The Chair thanked the Principal Planner for the presentation and invited questions and comments from the Sub-Group.


In respond to a question from the Chair, the Principal Planner confirmed there would be no impact on parking outside of the site.


Councillor Bartrum sought clarification on the impact on the trees surrounding the site and if any of the development would be affordable housing.


The Principal Planner confirmed the Tree Officer had been consulted and this would be considered. She confirmed there was no requirement for the development to be an affordable scheme as this was a conversion. She added the Housing Department had confirmed there was no requirement.


Councillor Ware sought further clarification if the development would be affordable housing scheme.


The Principal Planner confirmed further it would not be an affordable housing scheme.


The Chair asked how many beds each flat would be.


The Principal Planner confirmed what was being proposed was the following:


2 x 1 bedroom units- 1 person

1 x 1 bedroom units- 2 person

6 x 2 bedroom units- 3 person

2 x 2 bedroom units- 4 person


AGREED:       That the Sub-Group had no objection to the application



PP 24/00677/F


Alive Lynnsport- 3G Pitch


Click here to view the recording of this item on YouTube.


The Senior Planner presented the application to the Sub-Group and highlighted the location of the pitch and the access to the pitch. She explained the lighting and fencing and the storage containers which were included in the application.


The Senior Planner provided a summary of consultation responses from Public Rights of Way (NCC), Ecology at BCKLWN, Local Highway authority (NCC) and Water Management Alliance (King’s Lynn Internal Drainage Board). She added responses from CSNN, The Environment Agency and Sports England were outstanding.


The Chair sought clarification on the validity of comments on the previous application which was objected to.


The Senior Planner confirmed the majority of the comments have been made again and from a planning history perspective it would all be considered again.


In response to the Chair, the Senior Planner explained in detail the 1.5m wide pedestrian access and 3m wide vehicle access which links to the existing access. She added the 3m wide vehicle access would be bollard and only approved vehicles could  use this access. The Senior Planner stated Norfolk County Council Highways have objected due to the increased parking at Beulah Street.


The Chair referred to the surface of the pitch and highlighted the surface was no longer being used in Europe as it was not environmentally friendly and in 2031 would no longer be used here however it would usually have a 10-year life.


The Senior Planner confirmed this was a point which would be raised with the applicant and the contamination bodies have been consulted and are awaiting detailed responses.


Councillor Ware highlighted the contamination from the surface of the 3G pitch into the Bawsey drain was a concern of herself and many residents.


The Senior Planner commented they are waiting for the Environment Agency to respond to the application.


The Chair asked if the Fields in Trust have made comment on the application and explained if they had not been received the application should be put forward to the Sub-Group at a future meeting. 


Councillor Ware added to the Chair’s comment and provided the Fields in Trust document and explained that this document did not support the application as the site should be used as a public playing field.


The Senior Planner and the Principal Planner thanked the Sub- Group for bring this to their attention and added they will investigate this further and added it was helpful for them to see the Fields in Trust document.


Councillor Bartrum commented she recognises the issues however she speaks in favour of the application.


The Chair sought clarification on the impact of the lightening for residents of Wootton Road and Beulah Street.


The Senior Planner referred to the lightening plan and explained from the residential perspective of these areas there would be little impact due to the distance. She added the lightening would look to be controlled as part of the planning consent. The Senior Planner added she is awaiting comments from CSNN.


Councillor Ware added further comments regarding the application. Councillor Ware raised the issue that she was not notified of this application despite it being in her Ward.


Councillor Ware explained evidence had been collected from Beulah Street on a Saturday morning. She added it was already too busy and not conceivable for the access to this pitch.


Councillor Ware referred the Officers to barriers at the access to the site and highlighted they were controlled by a resident of Beulah Street. She commented this was a private car park and the timings of the car park and the application did not comply.


Councillor Ware stated her concerns for the management’s arrangements and antisocial behaviour. She added she supports the social aspects of the application however has concerns of the location of the pitch.



AGREED: That the Sub-Group were holding objection and the application would return to the Sub-Group