Agenda item

Members are invited to provide specific questions in advance in order that a full response may be provided at the meeting.



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The Corporate Performance Manager presented the Cabinet Report which provided an update on progress against the Council’s Corporate Strategy and key performance indicators.  The report included information on progress up to 31 December 2023.  Information was provided on actions that were on target and those that required attention, as set out in the report.


The Chair thanked the Corporate Performance Manager for the report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Long referred to indicator 2.4 relating to solar power generated across Council sites and it was clarified that this was the amount of energy generated, not surplus, and levels would be affected by the seasons.


Councillor Colwell referred to indicator 2.10 relating to mixed recycling and commented that levels were disappointing, but he was aware that work was ongoing to promote the importance of recycling and food waste.  He explained that a recent report to the Environment and Community Panel had provided information on changing habits and the impact of Covid on recycling levels.  He also felt that the Council did offer a good service, including small appliances and battery collections.


Councillor Dark raised concern about joint working with the Environment Agency and Anglian Water on flood protection and referred to the Shingle Ridge at Snettisham.  He was concerned that Snettisham Parish Council and major land owners had not been involved in the work.  It was explained that the technical report from consultants was awaited.  Once this had been received a meeting of the Wash East Coast Management Strategy Stakeholders Forum would take place and the technical report would be presented to the Environment and Community Panel at their meeting in June 2024.  The technical report would help determine future policy and action required.


Councillor de Whalley agreed to liaise with officers and provide the Panel with detail of the progress on the Wash East Coast Management Strategy and the awaited technical report.


Councillor Long referred to the Car Parking Strategy and the Corporate Governance Manager explained that work was ongoing to link the strategy with the forthcoming Economic Strategy and Transport Strategy.  An update was currently scheduled to be presented to the Regeneration and Development Panel at their meeting in June 2024.


Councillor Nash referred to indicator 2.10 which provided a target of tonnage of recycling collected.  He commented that it would be more useful to have a percentage target so that it could be compared to the overall amount of waste collected by the Council.  The Corporate Governance Manager explained that the target would have been set by the relevant Assistant Director and Portfolio Holder, but agreed that including the amount of black bin waste collected would be useful to provide an overall view of how much waste was collected overall, which could be broken down into percentages and she agreed to raise this with the relevant officers and update the Panel as required.


Councillor Devulapalli commented that, in relation to the Car Parking Strategy, consideration should be given to solar panels, park and ride schemes and bicycle rack provision.  The Corporate Governance Manager agreed to pass her comments onto the relevant officers.


Councillor Moriarty, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Development commented that performance indicators related to the Corporate Strategy, but it should be noted that the Corporate Strategy was a live document and could be amended and challenged as required.  He thanked the Panel for their comments.


Councillor Colwell commented that there were a lot of areas where the Council was performing well and these should be celebrated.  He commended the open spaces and how quickly incidents of fly tipping were dealt with.


The Chair, Councillor Dark, agreed and encouraged residents to report issues quickly, so that they could be dealt with quickly.


RESOLVED: That the Corporate Performance Panel supports the recommendations to Cabinet, as set out below.


That Cabinet reviews the Performance Management Report and comments on the delivery against the Corporate Strategy.

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