Agenda item


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Dr Sarah Taigel GIS and Fluvial Specialist helping develop citizen science projects on the Gaywood River presented information to the Panel relating to research conducted, what was causing issues with the river, channel morphology and the impacts on wildlife.  She explained that evidence was being collated to highlight issues and action that could be taken and provided detail of the role that the Borough Council could play.  A copy of the presentation is attached.


Andy Millar, Nature Recovery Partnership Manager for Norfolk and Suffolk County Council presented information to the Panel relating to the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS).  He explained the Government legislation and the need to work to find a solution to restore and deliver nature whilst maintaining flood management requirements.  Information was provided on what nature recovery could achieve and options to restore ecosystems.


Andy Millar provided information on the tools that Local Authorities had at their disposal including influence through Planning Policy and during the consideration of planning applications and he reminded the Panel of the Biodiversity Net Gain requirements which were soon to be introduced in 2024.


The Chair thanked Andy Millar and Dr Sarah Taigel for their presentation and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Colwell thanked Andy and Sarah for attending the meeting and hoped that Members had found the presentations informative.  He explained that his takeaway from this presentation was that it was crucial for Councils to know where the problems in the catchment were so that they could focus on these areas.  He also commented that the ten step plan was useful and there was a need for flood modelling.


Councillor Kunes asked about contamination issues and Councillor Colwell commented that investigations were ongoing.


In response to a question from the Portfolio Holder for People and Communities, Councillor Rust, it was clarified that the landscape had historically been dredged but this year there had been a change in management and procedures and it was likely that de-silting had been carried out by the Internal Drainage Board.


The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Coastal, Councillor Squire, clarified that the Council did have representatives on Norfolk Rivers and assumed that the Council and other related organisations would be engaged in the Nature Recovery Work being undertaken by Norfolk and Suffolk County Council.  She asked how far along the mapping work was, as the Borough Council had not been invited to take part as yet.  Andy Millar explained that all Norfolk and Suffolk Districts would shortly receive a formal invitation to be involved in the process.  Currently project planning work and engagement strategies were being worked on, although the LNRS was unlikely to be adopted until early 2025.


Assistant Director, Stuart Ashworth informed the Panel that the LNRS would be crucial to the Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) requirements that were being introduced, and made reference to the timescales.  Andy Millar explained that there were still areas and projects that could help inform BNG without the LNRS in place, and he agreed that the full guidance on BNG was still awaited.


Councillor Bubb referred to the state of the water at Gaywood River and in The Walks and commented that it was often of good quality when entering the sea, so work should be carried out to work backwards from there to see where the problems were.


The Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Biodiversity, Councillor de Whalley commented that the Borough Council had established a Biodiversity Task Group and he hoped that this work would be part of the Task Groups considerations.  He referred to the Council’s Green Infrastructure Plan and that it had last been updated in 2010 and may require a review.


The Vice Chair, Councillor Devulapalli asked how the Panel could be engaged and kept up to date in the process.  Andy Millar commented that he was happy to be contacted as needed.  The Norfolk and Suffolk wide engagement process would be commencing soon and the Borough Council would be involved as a stakeholder.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Parish commented that environmental implications were a priority in the Councils Corporate Business Plan and he encouraged Members to engage in the process as required.


Dr Sarah Taigel agreed to share information on protected species on the Gaywood River with the Borough Council’s Senior Ecologist, Claire Wiggs.


RESOLVED: The Panel noted the information.

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