Agenda item

(i)               23/01639/FM

Amendments to external layout including alterations to parking layouts, vehicle movements and rearrangement of external storage areas. New double entrance doors into existing building. New external lights fitted to building elevation at Travis Perkins, Hamlin Way Hardwick Narrows, King's Lynn, Norfolk


(ii)              23/01741/FM
Demolition and clearance of existing building and the construction of a new Specialised Supported Housing scheme comprising of a two-storey residential building containing 10 self-contained supported living apartments together with seven self-contained supported living bungalows, and associated open space, access roads, parking and external landscaping (Use Class C3(b)) at Kettlewell House, Kettlewell Lane, King's Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 1PW.


(i)              23/01639/FM

Amendments to external layout including alterations to parking layouts, vehicle movements and rearrangement of external storage areas.  New double entrance doors into existing building.  New external lights fitted to building elevation at Travis Perkins, Hamlin Way, Hardwick Narrows, King’s Lynn


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The case officer outlined the proposals to the Sub-Group via a power-point presentation.  It was explained that so far there had been no objections raised from statutory consultees.  Both NCC Highways and National Highways whilst raising no objection had asked for a condition to be imposed regarding outdoor lighting due to the proximity with the A47.  In relation to flood risk, there had been no comments received from the Environment Agency, but the Emergency Planning Officer had raised no objection,


The Chair then invited the Sub-Group to ask any questions:


The Chair made reference to the fact that for both applications, the applicants had been asked to sign-up for the flood warning system and asked if this was general for all applications.   The case officer explained that this was normally added as an informative onto the decision if granted and had been suggested by the Council’s Emergency Planning Officer.  It would then be up to the applicants to sign up to it.


The Chair added that she had noticed that Natural England had been unable to access the documents and asked if they had been able to comment.  The case officer advised that they had been re-consulted once the issue had been resolved. 


The case officer advised that in relation to the condition requested by Norfolk County Council and National Highways, the glare had been restricted by the angle of the lighting and both organisations were content with this condition. The condition would be attached to any permission if granted.


RESOLVED:   That the Sub-Group had no objections to the application.


(ii)             23/01741/FM

Demolition and clearance of existing building and the construction of a new Specialised Supported Housing Scheme comprising of a two-storey residential building containing 10 self-contained supported living apartments together with seven self-contained supported living bungalows, and associated open space, access roads, parking and external landscaping (Use Class C3(b)) at Kettlewell House, Kettlewell Lane, King’s Lynn, Norfolk


Click here to view a recording of this item on You Tube


The Principal Planner outlined the proposals to the Sub-Group via a power-point presentation.  She explained that not all of the statutory consultee responses had been received to date and the consultation period had not expired.


The Principal Planner explained that the vehicular access was shown to be coming from the west of the site and a smaller lane at the south.  The proposed elevations were displayed to the Sub-Group and photographs of the site.  It was confirmed that the existing public footpath would be retained.


With regards to the view southwards along Kettlewell Lane, the wall which was part of a Scheduled Ancient Monument could be seen.


It was explained that the public consultation exercise did not expire until 14 November 2023 and very few comments had been received so far.  The Sub-Group noted the comments from the Emergency Planner and Designing Out Crime Officer.  The location of the Gaywood river was highlighted to the Sub- Group.


The Chair then invited comments / questions from the Sub-Group.


In response to a comment from Councillor Heneghan regarding how the car parking spaces would be accessed, the Principal Planner advised that the red line was shown quite closely around the site there was already access from Kettlewell Lane at present so there would have to be further discussions on how this would sit into the wider townscape and how access would be achieved moving around the site.  It was not immediately clear from the plans which had been submitted.


Councillor Heneghan added that she understood that all vehicle access would be through Austin Fields and not Kettlewell Lane including construction traffic.  In relation to the Police report, and with the nature of the residents she suggested that it might be better if it was a more secure site.  There was a lot of anti-social behaviour experienced in Kettlewell Lane and there was concern that the more vulnerable residents might be preyed upon, and she suggested that this should be a condition.


In relation to the pedestrian access, there would need to be a gate at the side of it as well as the main entrance.  She added that she was quite positive and would enhance the area.  It might improve some of the problems experienced in the area.  She welcomed the application and considered it to be well-designed.


Councillor Jones added that the units were self-contained and asked what mitigation measures would be in place in relation to fire risk.  The Principal Planner advised that this could be controlled by Building Regulations and the Fire Service had been consulted as well.  The company who would be developing this were very conversant with running these types of facility so that they would be expected to have a proper management and evacuation plan in place.


RESOLVED:   That the Sub-Group had no objection to the application.