RESOLVED: 1) That the continuation and expansion of the BOOST project for young people across West Norfolk as per section 6, table 2, option 2 be endorsed.
2) That the allocation of UKSPF ‘People & Skills’ funding for the Boost project for 2024/25 as set out in section 7, table 3 of the report be approved.
3) That the continuation and expansion of the West Norfolk Training Grant into 2024/25 as per section 13, table 6, option 3 of the report be endorsed.
4) That the allocation of UKSPF funding for the West Norfolk Training Grant project for 2024/25 as set out in section 12 Table 5 be approved.
5) That the delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director for Regeneration, Housing & Place in consultation with the Leader and Portfolio Holder for Business to agree delivery arrangements and any changes to ensure the efficient delivery of the Boost and West Norfolk Training Grant projects for 2024/25.
6) That Officers provide an annual report on the progress and performance of the projects to the Corporate Performance Panel.
Reason for Decision
To ensure smooth delivery of two projects in line with West Norfolk Investment Plan and Corporate Business Plan objectives. Approval of 2024/25 UKSPF investment for these projects will ensure continued delivery of packages of support which can maximise their reach to benefit residents across the Borough. Both projects will contribute towards the West Norfolk achievement of UKSPF objectives to build pride in place, facilitate high quality skills training, supporting pay, employment, productivity growth and increasing life chances. The recommendations are agreed with a view to the leverage of funding for its future delivery.
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Cabinet considered a report which explained that the Council was allocated £1.8m from UK Shared Prosperity Funding (UKSPF) for the period 2022-2025 across 3 investment themes. In February 2023, the Council approved the programme for 2022-24 for two investment priorities: Communities & Place and Local Businesses. The report detailed the proposal to continue funding support for the Boost project and West Norfolk Training Grants (WNTG) initiatives under the Borough Council’s UKSPF allocation for 2024/25 until a longer-term sustainable funding solution is determined for these vital projects for residents and businesses in West Norfolk.
The report was being taken forward ahead of a full UKSPF 2024/25 programme report to Cabinet due in January 2024, for projects to be delivered in 2024/25 under the investment priorities Local Businesses and People and Skills to ensure smooth transition and continuation of existing projects which currently only had funding approved until March 2024.
Councillor Rust commended the proposal to assist those in the town to date and welcomed the fact that the project was extending throughout the Borough rather than just within the confines of King’s Lynn for the future year.
Councillor Morley welcomed the proposal and asked that the County Council be requested to support the scheme in the future with sufficient funding being leveraged to continue to run the scheme. It was confirmed that the County Council could not commit to further funding at this stage but discussions were ongoing for the future.
Councillor Beales commended the report and the proposals and agreed to the support the fact that it would potentially leverage future funding from the County Council.
The Chief Executive confirmed that the UKSPF came to an end on 2025 after which it would fall under the auspices of any County Deal agreed. She confirmed that officers were continuing to discuss the project with the County Council.
Under standing order 34 Councillor Dark, in supporting the proposals referred to Town Board updates given on the project at meetings he had attended and commented that it was a positive project they had delivered. He made reference to the importance of working with partners. He made reference to the library service being provided in the town.
Under standing order 34 Councillor Kemp commended the project and urged members to get behind it to get funding beyond 2025.
In commending the scheme the Chair reminded members that the wider issue of education generally lay with the County Council but there should be a plan for the future funding of such schemes.
RESOLVED: 1) That the continuation and expansion of the BOOST project for young people across West Norfolk as per section 6, table 2, option 2 be endorsed.
2) That the allocation of UKSPF ‘People & Skills’ funding for the Boost project for 2024/25 as set out in section 7, table 3 of the report be approved.
3) That the continuation and expansion of the West Norfolk Training Grant into 2024/25 as per section 13, table 6, option 3 of the report be endorsed.
4) That the allocation of UKSPF funding for the West Norfolk Training Grant project for 2024/25 as set out in section 12 Table 5 be approved.
5) That the delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director for Regeneration, Housing & Place in consultation with the Leader and Portfolio Holder for Business to agree delivery arrangements and any changes to ensure the efficient delivery of the Boost and West Norfolk Training Grant projects for 2024/25.
6) That Officers provide an annual report on the progress and performance of the projects to the Corporate Performance Panel.
Reason for Decision
To ensure smooth delivery of two projects in line with West Norfolk Investment Plan and Corporate Business Plan objectives. Approval of 2024/25 UKSPF investment for these projects will ensure continued delivery of packages of support which can maximise their reach to benefit residents across the Borough. Both projects will contribute towards the West Norfolk achievement of UKSPF objectives to build pride in place, facilitate high quality skills training, supporting pay, employment, productivity growth and increasing life chances. The recommendations are agreed with a view to the leverage of funding for its future delivery.
Supporting documents: