Agenda item

(i)               23/00867/FM

Part single and part two storey GP Surgery (Class E(e)) with Access, Parking and associated works at Land E of Nar Ouse Way, King's Lynn, Norfolk   


(ii)              23/01023/M

Demolition and redevelopment of Providence Street Community Centre and Hillington Square flatted blocks known as Aitken House, Norris House and Chestnut House excluding electrical substation. Development of 65 new dwellings and 1,106 square metres of class E commercial/community floorspace and associated soft landscaping, vehicle and cycle parking, refuse stores, improvements to the public realm and associated infrastructure, including relocation of electrical substation at Chestnut House, Hillington Square, King's Lynn, Norfolk    


(i)               23/00867/FM

Part single and part two storey GP Surgery (Class E(e)) with Access, Parking and associated works at Land E of Nar Ouse Way, King's Lynn, Norfolk   


The Planning officer presented the application for the new GP surgery.  Councillor Jones commented that he considered that the building was  dull with not very many windows.  Councillor Collop also asked if there was a bus stop in the vicinity to which it was confirmed there was one on the Nar Ouse Way.


RESOLVED:         Aside from the view that the building appeared dull with not many windows the applications was supported.



(ii)             23/01023/M

Demolition and redevelopment of Providence Street Community Centre and Hillington Square flatted blocks known as Aitken House, Norris House and Chestnut House excluding electrical substation. Development of 65 new dwellings and 1,106 square metres of class E commercial/community floorspace and associated soft landscaping, vehicle and cycle parking, refuse stores, improvements to the public realm and associated infrastructure, including relocation of electrical substation at Chestnut House, Hillington Square, King's Lynn, Norfolk  


The Senior Planner presented the application which was phase 6 of the re development of the Hillington Square site. The application replaced the previously refused application which had featured higher blocks of buildings.  It was explained that the buff colour of the brick proposed for the development was not considered acceptable to Historic England and Planning Officers and a red brick was preferred.  Subject to an amendment in brick colour the Conservation Officer was content with the,


It was noted that the proposal also included the demolition of the community café and the Providence Street building.  It was reported that the Housing Team supported the mix of proposed unit sizes.


The Sub Group raised concern that within the Class E floorspace they considered that there should be a café as a replacement for that being demolished.  It was also asked if any temporary space could be found for a community facility whilst any replacement area it was being built.  It was noted that it would not be possible to have some areas open whilst demolition was ongoing but discussions could be held on other potential areas in the town but that was not conditionable.


Questions were raised on the level of and lighting for cycle storage for the units to which it was explained that they would be in the bottom of the buildings which would be in accordance with the within the standards required for cycle storage and would be commented upon in the Highways submission and would be conditioned to ensure compliance with the requirements.


Councillor Heneghan raised concern about the potential for damage to the old buildings such as All Saints Church and along bridge street during demolition and construction.  It was explained that as part of the applicant’s demolition and construction plan they would have to make arrangements for the provision of monitoring surrounding buildings, and the church would be at the forefront of those plans..


RESOLVED:        That subject to the change in brick colour from buff to red, and the provision of sufficient cycle storage and a community café on site the grounds the sub group were satisfied with the amended plans and preferred the reduced height to the previous application.






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