Agenda item


Prior to presenting the report, the Senior Policy and Performance Officer provided background information to the Committee.


The Senior Policy and Performance Officer presented the report which set out the changes to the Corporate Risk Register since the last monitoring report in October 2018.  The report gave details of the risks falling into the ‘Very High’ category and the associated work being progressed to mitigate the effects.


It was highlighted that following the review, the risk scores for 4 entries had been proposed to change.  Members were advised that it was also proposed that 4 risks were removed from the register and 2 risks were refocused, details of which were set out in section 2 of the report.


Councillor Dark commented that it would be useful for a record to be kept for up to 12 months of risks removed from the register.  The Chairman added that this was a valid point and asked the Senior Policy and Performance Officer if the request could be accommodated and for what period of time.  The Senior Policy and Performance explained that the point raised was workable and could be kept for 12 months.


Following comments on the traffic light system to identify risks, the Senior Policy and Performance Officer outlined the 4 categories of the risk matrix and importance was focussed on prioritising the risks and explained that the colours used in the traffic light system was irrelevant.  However, he added that if the Committee wished that alternative colours be used this could be achieved.  The Chairman commented that that the register was a combination of risk and likelihood and emphasised the importance of the Council having a contingency plan in place if a catastrophic incident occurred.  The Chairman asked the Committee if they were content with the matrix, to which Members agreed.  Councillor Dark requested that the register be presented in risk order, high to low as an alternative (not a replacement) of the current register to which the Senior Policy and Performance Officer undertook to do for future reports.


In response to comments on empty retail units in the town centre, the level of risk and initiatives to attract more people into the town, the Leader informed the Committee that he had visited a number of towns in the country and there were a higher number of empty shops in those towns than King’s Lynn.  The Borough Council had a good record of organising functions, events and festivals to attract visitors to King’s Lynn.  The Portfolio Holder, Business Development added that he had held a recent meet with the Business Improvement District to discuss what could be done differently to link up with partners in order to increase footfall.  The Portfolio Holder, Business Development invited Councillor Collop or any member to forward any ideas for consideration.


Councillor Dark commented that it was a well presented report and asked how the Committee could input into the areas identified.  Following further comments from the Chairman, the Senior Policy and Performance Officer explained that the order of the risks presented was in relation to the priority set out in the Corporate Business Plan, but advised that the risks could be presented in score order in future reports.


Councillor Kemp asked if the Borough Council was made aware of larger store closures and if the Council encouraged the management to promote King’s Lynn.  The Portfolio Holder, Business Development explained that the Council learned of such closures when an article appeared in the press and added that often decisions were made by a national retailer to cease trading and was not related to being based in King’s Lynn.  Members were informed that the council would look at alternative uses when stores closed and would discuss any feasible ideas with partners to use such spaces.

Councillor Kemp asked for an update on the establishment of a Member Project Board to enable the Audit Committee to monitor projects.  The Leader advised that the Officer Major Projects Board was in operation and that the Member Major Projects Board Terms of Reference would be considered by Cabinet on 18 June 2019.


The Chairman thanked the Senior Policy and Performance Officer for an informative report.


RESOLVED:  Members considered the contents of the Corporate Risk Register and confirmed agreement with Management Team’s assessment of the risks to the Corporate Objectives.




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