Agenda item


Representatives from Alive Leisure were present at the meeting and presented the 2017-2018 Alive Leisure Annual Report to the Panel.  A copy of the presentation is attached which provided information on their performance and performance monitoring.


Simon McKenna also referred to the two proposals set out in the presentation.  Alive Leisure requested that the Panel confirm acceptance of the proposed increase in fees and charges and if they wished to continue with subsidised summer holiday programmes.


Peter Lemon thanked the Panel for the opportunity to present their Annual Report.  He also expressed his thanks to the Alive Leisure Senior Management Team for their hard work, and the hard work which was to come with the transition arrangements.  He explained that the transition process was ongoing and there was a lot of work from both sides to be done.  He referred to conflicting VAT advice received and he wished the Council the best for the future when they take back the running of the facilities. 


The Chairman thanked the representatives from Alive Leisure for their presentation.  He also thanked Alive Leisure for their hard work over the years.  The Chairman advised the Panel that the proposals from Alive Leisure relating to the fees and charges and the summer holiday activities were not decisions that could be made by the Panel as it was not within their remit as a non-decision making body.  He therefore suggested that the proposals be forwarded onto the relevant Portfolio Holder for consideration down the most appropriate route.


The Chairman invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


In response to a question from Councillor Mrs Collop it was explained that any increases to fees and charges would take effect from 1st May 2019.


The Vice Chairman, Councillor Bambridge referred to Environment and Community Panel meeting which Alive Leisure attended last year to provide an update.  She commented that she had asked for information about school and club swimming price increases, but she had not yet received the information.  Tommy Goode informed the Panel that he would send the information through to the Democratic Services Officer by the end of the week so that it could be forwarded round to the Panel.


In response to a question from the Vice Chairman, Councillor Bambridge, it was confirmed that following the fitness review a Head of Wellness had been appointed who would work on the referrals scheme.  Tommy Goode confirmed that, to date, seven health professionals were engaged and utilised the referrals scheme.  He explained that work to track participation and progression was ongoing.


The Vice Chairman, Councillor Bambridge asked about the summer holiday programme and if statistics were available on the take up from deprived areas.  Tommy Goode explained that over 4,500 children took advantage of the summer holiday programme, however data was unavailable on those that came from deprived areas.  He explained that Alive Leisure had a subscription to a data hub which could analyse members, but this had not yet been progressed.  The Vice Chairman referred to marketing of the summer holiday programme and that she was the Council appointed representative on Vancouver Sure Start, who had not received any information.  Tommy Goode explained that information was provided to schools and the programme was advertised on social media and the website.  He asked that if Members had any appropriate contacts that could be added to their contact list to forward their details.


The Chairman referred to the new management software, Legend, and he asked if there were any problems encountered with its introduction.  Tommy Goode explained that there were some teething problems relating to data migration and a few other issues, but he was generally happy with how the process went and customer satisfaction performance indicators reflected this.  He explained that it was a risk to migrate to the new system, but the move was required and now customers were able to book online.


The Chairman referred to an incident he had been made aware of regarding evacuation procedures at Lynnsport.  He explained that the disabled fitness suite was on the first floor and he queried if this would cause issues when the lift was out of use.  Tommy Goode explained that the evacuation procedures in place did account for the facilities on the first floor.  He explained that staff swept the whole building.  Simon McKenna commented that Lynnsport was a massive building and the staff carried out at least two fire drills per year.  He explained that they checked all areas and were timed, with the average evacuation taking in between three and four minutes, which included sweeping all rooms and toilets.  He commented that very thorough processes were in place.


The Chairman reminded the Panel that the requests relating to fees and charges and the summer holiday programme would be passed on to the relevant Portfolio Holder.  Members of the Panel indicated that they would not support an increase to the fees and charges.


RESOLVED: (i) The Panel noted the update.

(ii) The requests contained in the Alive Leisure Annual Report be passed onto the Portfolio Holder.

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