Agenda item


The Assistant to the Chief Executive presented the corporate monitoring report which was in place to monitor progress against agreed performance indicators for the year.  The report contained information on the corporate performance monitoring undertaken for Q2 2019/20.


The Panel was informed that the Q2 2019/20 monitoring report showed that 33% of targets had been met and performance had improved against target for 21 indicators.  It was highlighted that all calculations and analysis in the report was based on 54 indicators.


It was highlighted that where indicators had not met agreed targets they were drawn out into an action report.


The Assistant to the Chief Executive responded to questions and comments from the Panel, a summary of which is set out below:


Councillor Humphrey referred to HS15 – Number of days to process change of circumstances and commented that the target was 11 days and the cumulative performance was 14 days and commented that if the target was 11 days, it had already been met which indicated a good performance and therefore questioned why it had been marked with a red flag and included in the action report.  In response, the Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that the target was 11 days, but during July to September it had taken 14 days to process the change in circumstances and therefore the target had not been met and added that from September 2019 onwards performance had been improved, officers had indicated therefore that they were confident the 11 day target would be met.  The Assistant to the Chief Executive undertook to discuss the comments made with the relevant service manager.


The Chair made reference to HS11 – Time taken (in weeks) from first contact to completion of work on Disabled Facilities Grants and commented that there had been an increase from 30 to 57 weeks and commented that reassurance was required by members when an update would be given at the Environment and Community Panel on 21 January 2020.  The Assistant to the Chief Executive commented that an increase could occur if one or two cases were complex and took longer to action therefore this would then impact upon the overall performance to deliver within the required target.


Councillor Mrs Dickinson asked if any benchmarking was undertaken with other local authorities.  In response, the Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that the collection and processing of council tax were regulated and benchmarked against other local authorities and comparisons could be included in future reports.


Following further questions from Councillor Mrs Dickinson on the level of staff sickness and turnover compared to other local authorities, the Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that the Borough Council published Annual Sickness Monitoring Report and Employment Monitoring Figures – Annual Report which provided comparisons with other local authorities.  The Assistant Director, Central Services advised that the reports were also presented to the Council’s Joint Welfare and Safety Committee and that the Corporate Performance Panel received the two annual reports on 21 October 2019 for information.


RESOLVED:  The Panel:


1)               Reviewed the performance monitoring report.


2)               Agreed the actions outlined in the action report.






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