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Information about CIL Spending Panel

CIL Spending Panel – Sub?Committee of Cabinet ? Terms of Reference


The CILSpending Panelis toprovide oversightof theCommunity InfrastructureLevy spending on infrastructure across the Borough and implement, where defined, the ‘CIL Spending and Governance Process’ document, as amended and adopted. The Panel will consider and approve certain types of projects and recommend action on others.


There shall be 6 Members in total of the CIL Spending Panel. Quorum shall be 3. The CIL Spending Panel shall be chaired by the Cabinet Member for Development

Members from other political Groups are to be invited to take voting seats on the Panel to achieve political balance of the Panel .

Group nominations shall be made by Group Leaders to the Chief Executive who is authorised to appoint them to the CIL Spending Panel.




1.        Tokeep underreview the‘CIL Spendingand GovernanceProcess’ documentand make recommendations for change toCabinet.

2.        To receive recommendations from Officers and approve or reject these in respect of ‘LocalProjects’.

3.        Toreceive recommendationsfrom Officerson ‘CommunityProjects’, reviewthese and recommend approval or rejection to ManagementTeam.

4.        To receive recommendations from Officers on ‘Strategic Projects’, review these and make comments to Cabinet via ManagementTeam.

5.        To support coordination of information on applications and comments across Portfolio Holders and other Borough Councilbodies.

6.        To receive monitoring reports from Officers on the operation of CIL, including necessary statutory reporting (Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement; Parish Annual SpendingReports).

7.        To consider and make recommendations to Cabinet as appropriate on the implementation, spending and monitoring ofCIL.



At such frequency as the CIL Spending Panel Chair determines to fulfil its Tasks


Membership and these Terms of Reference shall be reviewed annually by Cabinet.