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No. Item


To consider whether applications be determined under delegated powers or by the Planning Committee




Application Number & details




i)               24/01756/O - Field Opposite 3 Gambles Terrace, School Road, Terrington St John - outline planning permission with all matters reserved for:  Up to 3no. dwellings


AGREED: That the application be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.

ii)             24/01275/FM - Land E548887 N317051 NE of White House Farm, Frenchs Road, Walpole St Andrew - Construction of a battery energy storage system and ancillary development


AGREED: That if officers are minded to approve, then the item be referred to the Planning Committee for determination. If officers are minded to refuse, it can be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation.

iii)            24/00256/F – Ran Revir, Bailey Street, Castle Acre – Erection of replacement dwelling (part retrospective)



AGREED: That the application be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation

iv)           24/01734/F – LIDL 162 Bexwell Road, Downham Market - Variation of Condition 17 of Planning Permission 20/01893/FM: Erection of a new Lidl food store (Use Class E) with associated car parking and landscaping.


AGREED: That the application be dealt with in accordance with the Planning Scheme of Delegation