Issue - meetings

Meeting: 03/12/2019 - Environment and Community Panel (Item 58)

58 Corporate Business Plan pdf icon PDF 151 KB


The Senior Policy and Performance Officer presented the report which provided an update on the Corporate Business Plan.  The Panel was reminded that previously they had been given the opportunity to comment on what should be included in the Corporate Business Plan by way of a workshop session.  The draft plan had also been based on feedback from Members during the Members induction process.  Feedback from Councillors had been collated and included in the report at Appendix B.


The Panel was reminded that all Panels received quarterly performance monitoring reports and the Corporate Performance Panel monitored the Corporate Business Plan.


The Chair thanked the Senior Policy and Performance Officer for his report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Parish commented that there was a conflict between growth and the environment and any Climate Change policies would need to take this into consideration.  The Senior Policy and Performance Officer acknowledged that there would be lots of tensions to deal with and this would be monitored through quarterly reports to the Corporate Performance Panel.  He also informed the Panel that report authors were now required to complete an ‘Environmental Implications’ box on the report templates and give consideration to how impacts could be mitigated. 


Councillor Joyce referred to improving health and wellbeing and the impact of pollution.  He asked for consideration to be given to environmental improvement measures which would have little impact on the Council, for example requiring all new developments to put in electric vehicle charging points.  The Senior Policy and Performance Officer reminded the Panel of the Climate Change work that was being carried out and explained that lots of options would be explored and best practice and examples from other countries would be looked at.


Councillor Kemp commented that this was a good starting point, but it needed sharpening up and Policies would need to be introduced relating to flooding, infrastructure and health and wellbeing.  She stated that it was important to be an enabler.  The Leader of the Council, Councillor Long reminded Councillor Kemp that some of the functions she was referring to were the responsibility of Norfolk County Council.  Councillor Kemp referred to the King’s Lynn Transport Strategy and Councillor Long reminded her that this was a joint exercise with Norfolk County Council. 


Councillor Long reminded Members that they had previously had the opportunity to input into the Corporate Business Plan through workshops at all three Panels, the report which was now being considered had incorporated previous comments raised by Members and was now a final draft.


Councillor Squire asked if the Plan would be regularly updated as new policies and practices emerged.  The Senior Policy and Performance Officer confirmed that it would be a ‘living document’ and reviewed on a regular basis.


Councillor Bambridge commented that the Housing Strategy should be included and the Senior Policy and Performance Officer stated that the Corporate Business Plan was overarching and all other Policies sat underneath this document.


RESOLVED: The Panel endorsed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 58