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Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 30/07/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 02/08/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
RECOMMENDED: That the Annual report of the Chair of Audit Committee be noted and passed for consideration by Council
Reason for Decision
It is good practice for the Audit Committee to report on its work.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 30/07/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 02/08/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
RESOLVED: 1) That the governance and operation of Alive West Norfolk is returned to in-house council management under a management structure which will need to be considered as part of any review of senior level resourcing requirements, to be undertaken by the new Chief Executive.
2) That the new arrangements be put in place by 1st January 2025 with an implementation deadline of April 2025
3) That a budget of £20,000 be set aside to cover one-off set up costs (changes to ICT systems etc) related to the transfer of the service to an in-house provision.
4) That the transfer of contracts be by way of novation or assignment in accordance with the existing Scheme of Delegation. |
5) That the negotiations for the termination of the Management Agreement with the Alive West Norfolk Board of Directors be delegated to the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Business and Culture and the council’s AWN Client Officer.
6) That all necessary powers and authority to implement the transfer be delegated to the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Section 151 Officer, the Portfolio Holder for Business and Culture and the council’s Client Officer.
7) That a separate report to consider capital investment proposals for the leisure facilities come to a future cabinet meeting.
Reason for Decision
A key priority of the council as outlined in the Corporate Strategy 2023-2027 is to provide access to leisure, cultural and outreach experiences, to reduce isolation, to improve the health and wellbeing of our communities and to reduce health and social inequalities. The cost of providing leisure and cultural services continues to rise and the leisure facilities require substantial investment and improvement. Returning these services to an in-house function will enable the council to directly influence and control this essential service, to plan for capital investment and benefit from simplifying the operational management of AWN, eliminating client officer and Shareholder costs
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 30/07/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 02/08/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
RESOLVED: 1) That the outturn of the capital programme for 2023/2024 of £36,446,601 including Exempt Schemes be noted;
2) That the financing arrangements for the 2023/2024 capital programme be noted.
Reason for Decision
To report the outturn 2023/2024 for the Capital Programme and receive an update to the Capital Programme 2023/2028.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 30/07/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 02/08/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
RESOLVED: 1) That the amended draft revenue outturn position for 2023/2024 (section 2 of the report) be approved.
2) That the new transfers to reserves as listed at the amended Appendix 2 be approved.
3) That the amendments to the Earmarked Reserves Policy (Section
4 of the report) be approved.
Reason for Decision
To consider and approve the draft revenue outturn position for 2023/2024 for the Council.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 30/07/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 02/08/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
RESOLVED: 1) That the RIBA Stage 4 (technical and detailed design) development of the ‘Full Scheme’ to include the renovation of the St George’s Guildhall and creation of a Creative Hub as further set out in section 3 of the report, which, if delivered, would result in an estimated overall cost of this Major Project of £20.2m be approved.
2) To the Funding Strategy to secure £11.3m as set out in section 4 of the report which will realise the finance required to achieve the Full Scheme be approved, and the advancement of applications to funding bodies be endorsed.
3) That a report be brought back to Cabinet in February – March 2025 with the results of the Funding Strategy for a decision to be taken on approving the continued progress of this Major Project.
4) That the commencement of the procurement process to appoint a main contractor to deliver the Full Scheme, to run in parallel with the Funding Strategy be approved, with an update of the pre-tender cost and funding position for the scheme to be brought back to Cabinet in February – March 2025.
5) That, subject to the agreement by the King’s Lynn Town Board and all required authorities (e.g. S151 officer agreement), a Project Adjustment Request (PAR) be submitted (as required under the Towns Fund programme) as soon as practically possible because of changes to the agreed outputs, timings and funding assumptions.
Reason for Decision
To deliver the transformational St George’s Guildhall and Creative Hub project that directly supports and will deliver against the Council’s commitment and ambition for heritage and culture, to support growing businesses, a repurposed town centre and high-quality leisure offer in the historic town core, as set out in the Corporate Strategy (2023) and Town Investment Plan (2021).
To deliver the Guildhall and Creative Hub project that best meets the outputs and outcomes agreed with the Town Board and Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG).
To deliver a transformational scheme that, as identified in the updated Business Plan and Economic Impact Assessment, will provide the best opportunity for the Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) to create a sustainable operation; one that will create significant wider economic benefit for the town estimated to be £30.8m and 117 jobs over 15 years post completion.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 30/07/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 02/08/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
RESOLVED: That the Performance Management Report and the delivery against the Corporate Strategy be noted.
Reason for Decision
Cabinet should use the information within the management report to review progress on the agreed actions and indicators and satisfy themselves that performance is at an acceptable level. Where progress is behind schedule members can seek additional information to explain variances.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 30/07/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 02/08/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
RESOLVED: That the Productivity Plan, as amended to include at the end of 2.2.1 “The council will review how waste services are delivered in the future, to transform design and delivery to materialise proper gains and maximise flexibility to meet the needs of residents", be approved for submission to MCHLG.
Reason for Decision
To ensure that the Council complies with the requirements set out by MCHLG to produce a Productivity Plan.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 30/07/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 02/08/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
RESOLVED: That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 30/07/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 02/08/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
The Forward Decisions list was noted.