Agenda item

To consider the following recommendations to Council:


CAB103: Final Council Tax Support Scheme 2016/2017

CAB105: Draft Smoke And Carbon Monoxide Regulations Report And Statement Of    Principles

CAB106: Corporate Business Plan 2015/16 - 2018/19

CAB108: Update To The Scheme Of Delegation


Exempt items


CAB111: Risk Based Verification Policy Update

CAB112: Proposed Surgery Development - King's Lynn

CAB115: Proposed Acquisition : Land At Wisbech Road





Councillor Daubney, seconded by Councillor Beales proposed the recommendations from the Cabinet Meeting on 12 January 2016:


In relation to CAB103: Final Council Tax Support Scheme 2016/2017, Councillor J Collop stated that he would not support the recommendation, as debated at the Resources and Performance Panel. He expressed concern about the level of response to the consultation, and suggested that the information available should show what effect it would have on individuals.  He considered other Councils gave better deals. 


Councillor Beales reminded Members that officers had explained the processes gone through as part of the consultation and that they had updated it and changed it to try to engage people, but still no responses had been received.  He urged any suggestions on how it could be done better to be passed on. 


Councillor Joyce asked if the Council’s own departments had been consulted in as far as if it had shown any increase in the levels or arrears defaults to the landlords, and rising in court summons.


Councillor Daubney confirmed that all available data was used in putting together the plan, and that in making the proposal it protected the vulnerable such as the elderly, disabled and those with small children. 


In being put to the vote the recommendations were approved.


In relation to CAB106: Corporate Business Plan 2015/16 - 2018/19, Councillor J Collop drew attention to the recommendation from the Resources and Performance Panel on the title of the document, which the Cabinet had chosen not to accept.  On being put to the vote the recommendation was approved.


The following recommendations were approved without debate:


CAB105: Draft Smoke And Carbon Monoxide Regulations Report And Statement Of Principles

CAB108:  Update To The Scheme Of Delegation

CAB111:  Risk Based Verification Policy Update

CAB115: Proposed Acquisition : Land at Wisbech Road


In debating CAB112:  Proposed Surgery Development - King's Lynn, as the report on the item was exempt due to the commercially sensitive information contained within it, the Monitoring officer advised that the principles of the item could be discussed in open session, but Members would be stopped if there was a danger of mentioning anything exempt.  Councillor J Collop confirmed it was highly likely that the detail discussed would be exempt.  Councillor Long proposed exclusion of the press and public, which was agreed.


RESOLVED:               “That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of CAB112 on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act.”


The press and public left the meeting.


Council debated the proposal set out in CAB112, and the need in the area for a state of the art doctors surgery to improve on the current premises and provide for the future increase in population for the area.  There was unanimous support for the principle of the proposal, but disagreement was aired on the site proposed for the surgery.       It was explained that the proposed site was the choice of the surgery and the recommendations involved the deal with the Surgery and the NHS, with any issues raised on the site would be fully dealt with and mitigated at the planning stage.


It was re-iterated that the proposal was a commercial transaction which was the preference for the client.


On being put to the vote the recommendation was approved.  Councillor C Joyce wished for his vote against the proposal to be recorded due to the proposed location of the surgery.


RESOLVED:   That the recommendations from the Cabinet Meeting on 12 January 2016 be approved.



Supporting documents: