Agenda and minutes

Venue: Assembly Room, Town Hall, Saturday Market Place, King's Lynn PE30 5DQ. View directions

Contact: Sam Winter, Democratic Services Manager 616327 

No. Item


Prayers by the Mayor's Chaplain


Prayers were led by the Rev Canon Ling



Declarations of Interest

Please indicate if there are any interests which should be declared.  A declaration of an interest should indicate the nature of the interest (if not already declared on the Register of Interests) and the agenda item to which it relates.  If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared, the member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed.






Mayors Communications and Announcements

To receive Mayor’s communications and announcements.





Urgent Business

To receive any items of business which in the opinion of the Mayor are urgent. 





Election of a Councillor to hold office as Mayor of the Borough of King's Lynn & West Norfolk and to be Chairman of the Council for the Municipal Year 2019/2020


The Mayor invited nominations for Mayor for 2019/20.


Councillor B Long proposed that Councillor Geoffrey Hipperson be elected to the office of Mayor and Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year this was seconded by Councillor J Moriarty.


Resolved:               That Councillor Geoffrey Hipperson be elected to the office of Mayor and Chairman of the Council for 2019/20.



Election of a Councillor to hold office as Deputy Mayor of the Borough of King's Lynn & West Norfolk and to be Vice-Chairman of the Council for the Municipal Year 2019/2020

At this point the Civic Party will withdraw for robing;

On return the Mayor and Deputy Mayor are invested with their badges of office.



It was proposed by Councillor Mrs E Nockolds and seconded by Councillor J Collop  that Councillor Margaret Wilkinson  be appointed to the office of Deputy Mayor and Vice-Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.


Resolved:               That Councillor Margaret Wilkinson  be elected to the office of Deputy Mayor and Vice-Chairman of the Council for 2019/20.



Administer the Oath to the Mayor

The Deputy will sign the Oath at a later date.


Councillor Hipperson took the Chair, read and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and then, in addressing Members, thanked them for his election and informed the Council that his wife Rose Hipperson would be his Mayoress.  The Mayor’s Chaplain for the year would be the Rev Canon Adrian Ling.


The Mayor also informed the Council that he would continue to appoint Mayor’s Cadets and those for this year would be: Sea - OC Jack Dennis, Air - Corporal Bailey Naish, Police - Sophie Couzins.


The Mayor’s Charities for the year would be West Norfolk Riding for the Disabled and West Norfolk MIND.


It was noted that at the Deputy Mayor was not able to attend the meeting, she would sign the Oath on her return.



Vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor and Mayoress


Councillor Long, seconded by Councillor Mrs Nockolds proposed a vote of thanks to the outgoing Mayor and Mayoress, Former Councillor Nicholas Daubney and Mrs Cheryl Daubney. 


RESOLVED:               That the Council place on record its sincere appreciation for the work undertaken by former Councillor Nick Daubney and Mrs Cheryl Daubney, during their period in office as Mayor and Mayoress of the Borough.




To make presentations to the retiring Mayor and Mayoress and to receive responses.


The Mayor then presented gifts to Former Councillor Daubney and Mrs Daubney.


Former Councillor Daubney then gave a speech referring to his fabulous year as Mayor, and thanking the Council and community for giving him the opportunity to serve in the role.


To receive the report of the Returning Officer from the elections for the Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk held on 2 May 2019 pdf icon PDF 197 KB


The report of the Returning Officer was noted.


To appoint the Chairman of the Cabinet who will be Leader of the Council for the forthcoming four years and note the appointments of the Vice-Chair and other Members of the Cabinet.


RESOLVED:           That the Chairman of Cabinet and Leader of the Council be agreed as Councillor B Long.


RESOLVED:           That the Membership of the Cabinet be noted as follows:


Deputy Leader &  Culture, Heritage & Health – E Nockolds


R Blunt – Development

I Devereux - Environment

P Kunes – Commercial Services

A Lawrence - Housing

G Middleton – Business Development

P Gidney – Project Delivery



Proportional Allocation of Seats pdf icon PDF 11 KB

To agree proportional allocation of seats with regard to the following Council Bodies in the Constitution in accordance with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 (as amended by subsequent legislation), and in accordance with Section 16 of that Act, to appoint members to serve on them (a full membership list will be made available at the meeting):


          -         Appointments Board

-         Licensing Committee 

-         Licensing and Appeals Board

-         Planning Committee

-         Standards Committee



Policy Review and Development Panels:

-                  Audit Committee

-                  Corporate Performance

-                  Environment and Community

-                  Regeneration and Development



RESOLVED:           1)       That the proportional allocation of seats with regard to Council Bodies in the Constitution be agreed in accordance with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 (as amended by subsequent legislation), and in accordance with Section 16 of that Act.      


2)       That Members be appointed to the proportional Council Bodies as follows :


AUDIT Committee

(9 Members – 4 Con, 3 Ind, 2 Lab)


J Collingham (C)

J Collop (L)

S Dark (C)

A Dickinson  (C)

B Jones (L)

A Kemp (I)

C Manning (C)

D Pope (I)

T Ryves (I)

Appointments Board

(9 Members – 5 Con, 2 Ind, 2 Lab)


I Devereux (C)

A Dickinson (C)

A Kemp (I)

B Long (C)

C Manning (C)

C Morley (I)

E Nockolds (C) 

J Rust (L)

A Tyler (L)

CORPORATE Performance Panel

 (12 Members – 6 Con, 4 Ind, 2 Lab)


B Ayres (C)

P Beal (I)

J Collop (L)

S Dark (C)

A Dickinson (C)

C Hudson (L)

H Humphrey (C)

C Manning (C)

J Moriarty (I)

D Pope (I)

C Rose (I)

D Tyler (C)



(12 Members – 6 Con, 4 Ind, 2 Lab)


L Bambridge (C)

C Bower (C)

A Bubb (C)

A Bullen (I)

S Collop (L)

A Kemp (I)

J Kirk (C)

J Lowe (C)

C Sampson (C)

S Squire (I)

M de Whalley (I)

M Wilkinson (L)

Licensing Committee

(Licensing Act  2003 & Gambling Act)

(15 Members - 7 Con, 5 Ind, 3 Lab)


L Bambridge (C)

A Bubb (C)

A Holmes (I)

G Howman (L)

C Manning (C)

C Morley (I)

S Nash (I)

T Parish (I)

J Rust (L)

C Sampson (C)

S Sandell (C)

S Squire (I)

A Tyler (L)

D Tyler (C)

D Whitby (C)



(All other Licensing and Appeals matters)

(15 Members - 7 Con, 5 Ind, 3 Lab)


L Bambridge (C)

A Bubb (C)

J Collop (L)

A Holmes (I)

G Howman (L)

C Manning (C)

C Morley (I)

S Nash (I)

T Parish (I)

C Sampson (C)

S Sandell (C)

S Squire (I)

D Tyler    (C)

D Whitby (C)

M Wilkinson (L)



(18 members – 10 Con, 5 Ind, 3 Lab)


F Bone (L)

C Bower (C)

A Bubb (C)

C J Crofts (C)

G Hipperson (C)

M Howland (I)

C Hudson (L)

C Joyce (L)

J Kirk (C)

R Lawton (I)

C Manning  (C)

T Parish (I)

S Patel (C)

C Rose (I)

S Sandell (C)

S Squire (I)

M S Storey (C)

D Tyler (C)


Regeneration & DEVELOPMENT  Panel

(12 Members – 6 Con, 4 Ind, 2 Lab)


L Bambridge (C)

J Bhondi (I)

F Bone (L)

J Collingham (C)

M Howland (I)

B Jones (L)

J Lowe (C)

C Manning (C)

T Parish (I)

S Patel (C)

M de Whalley (I)

D Whitby (C)



Standards Committee

(7 Members: 4 Con, 2 Ind, 1  ...  view the full minutes text for item C:12


Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen

Appointment of Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of the following bodies:


-         Appointments Board

-         Planning Committee

-         Licensing Committee 

-         Licensing and Appeals Board

-         Standards Committee


Appointment of Chairmen of the following Bodies (Vice Chairmen will be appointed at the first meeting of the Body)


-                  Audit Committee

-                  Corporate Performance Panel

-                  Environment and Community Panel

-                  Regeneration and Development Panel



RESOLVED:That the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen be appointed as below, noting that the Vice Chairmen of the Scrutiny and Overview Panels and Audit Committee will be appointed at the first meeting of their Panels:



i)        Appointments Board


Chairman - B Long (C)

Vice-Chairman   E Nockolds (C)




Chairman – C Crofts (C)

Vice-Chairman – C Bower (C)


iii)      Licensing Committee


Chairman  S Sandell (C)

Vice-Chairman – L Bambridge (C)


iv)      Licensing and Appeals Board


Chairman – D Tyler    (C)

Vice-Chairman – D Whitby (C)


v)       Standards Committee


Chairman – B Ayres (C) 

Vice Chairman   C Manning (C)





Chairman: S Dark




Chairman: C Sampson




Chairman: J Collingham




Chairman: A Dickinson




Political Proportionality of Task Groups

To agree the following:


Task Groups with 10 Members – 5 Conservative, 3 Independent, 2 Labour

Task Groups with 6 Members – 3 Conservatives, 2 Independent, 1 Labour

Task Groups with 4 Members – 2 Conservative, 1 Independent, 1 Labour




RESOLVED: That the political proportionality of Task Groups be approved as follows:


Task Groups with 10 Members – 5 Conservative, 3 Independent, 2 Labour

Task Groups with 6 Members – 3 Conservatives, 2 Independent, 1 Labour

Task Groups with 4 Members – 2 Conservative, 1 Independent, 1 Labour



Outside Bodies

To agree that any existing Members previously appointed to an outside body continue to serve until 18 June 2019 Cabinet or 4 July 2019 Council meeting, whichever is appropriate.


RESOLVED:That any existing Members previously appointed to an outside body continue to serve until 18 June 2019 Cabinet or 4 July 2019 Council meeting, whichever is appropriate.