Issue - meetings

Meeting: 18/09/2018 - Cabinet (Item 59)



RESOLVED:1)       That the emerging New Anglia LEP (NALEP) proposal to government that consolidates its existing boundaries removing the overlapping boundaries with Greater Cambridgeshire Greater Peterborough LEP (GC/GPLEP) be supported.


2)     That officers be instructed to work with NALEP and the Business Board of the Cambridgeshire Peterborough Combined Authority to establish effective collaboration arrangements between NALEP and GC/GP LEP on major strategic cross border projects.


Reason for Decision


To respond to the government’s strengthened Local Enterprise Partnerships Review and meet their submission deadline.



The Deputy Chief Executive presented a report which explained that the Government had published its LEP review on 24 July 2018 entitled Strengthened Local Enterprise Partnerships.  The review set out government’s expectations of the roles and responsibilities of the LEPs and committed to work with them to strengthen leadership and capability, improve accountability and manage risk and provide clarify on geography.


King’s Lynn & West Norfolk was currently a member of both the New Anglia LEP which covered Norfolk and Suffolk, and the Greater Cambridgeshire Greater Peterborough LEP which covered the county of Cambridgeshire, Peterborough City and eight neighbouring districts which had an economic relationship with the core area.


The key issue addressed in the report related to government’s aim to provide ‘clarity on geography’ which translated into a desire to eliminate overlapping LEP boundaries.  The LEP review required LEPs to develop revised proposals for their geography by 28th September.


The report considered the implications for West Norfolk and recommended a preferred course of action for members to consider.


Cabinet discussed the options and asked if the cross border working into the Cambridgeshire borders would continue, this was confirmed and the projects such as the joint working on the Ely North Junction would continue with the LEPs working together.  Cabinet commended the strong working relationships developed with the LEP officers and members.  It was also confirmed that the GCGP LEP had recently decided to retain its membership to within its county border.


RESOLVED:1)       That the emerging New Anglia LEP (NALEP) proposal to government that consolidates its existing boundaries removing the overlapping boundaries with Greater Cambridgeshire Greater Peterborough LEP (GC/GPLEP) be supported.


2)     That officers be instructed to work with NALEP and the Business Board of the Cambridgeshire Peterborough Combined Authority to establish effective collaboration arrangements between NALEP and GC/GP LEP on major strategic cross border projects.


Reason for Decision


To respond to the government’s strengthened Local Enterprise Partnerships Review and meet their submission deadline.