Agenda item

Members are requested to read the Draft Tree Strategy in advance of the meeting and the Arboricultural Officer will be present at the meeting to take questions.


Members of the Regeneration and Development Panel are invited to attend the meeting for this item of business.


The Arboricultural Officer presented the Draft Tree Strategy, which had been circulated with the Agenda in advance of the meeting.  He explained that the Strategy covered the stock in the Borough’s control.


The Chairman thanked the Arboricultural Officer for his report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, and Members of the Regeneration and Development Panel, who had been invited for this item of business, as summarised below.


The Vice Chairman, Councillor Bambridge, thanked the Arboricultural Officer for his report and commented that it was very easy to read and understand.  She commented that it was important that work at the Walks was carried out in a phased way and disturbance to residents was minimised.  She commented that Southgates Park was not specified in the Strategy and she felt that work was required in the area to make it more attractive, and that the addition of trees could help with air quality in the area.  The Arboricultural Officer explained that a separate initiative for tree planting at Southgates had been suggested and was part of the wider tree planting scheme.


Councillor Smith referred to page 6 of the Strategy which showed the ages of trees in the Borough and asked why there were less semi-mature trees.  It was explained that the majority of older trees were in parks and were planted in Victorian times and there could have been a lull in planting once the trees had matured


Councillor Parish felt that there was a lack of trees in rural West Norfolk and suggested that work be carried out to increase planting on verges and small parcels of land around the Borough, including play areas.  He also commented that he would like to see changes to the Tree Preservation process to make it easier to place an order on a tree, as he felt that important trees were often removed before an order was put on them.  Councillor Parish further asked how the Tree Strategy would be incorporated into the planning.  The Arboricultural Officer explained that the Tree Preservation Order process was outside of this strategy and the strategy dealt with the Borough Council’s stock, however this was something that could be looked at in the future.  The Panel was informed that the Council did have some parcels of land in the Borough and consideration would need to be given to if and what sort of planting was appropriate.  It was explained that not many of the verges in the Borough were owned by the Borough Council.


Councillor Hipperson requested that information be made available to Parish Councils on suitable planting and what trees were appropriate in what areas.  The Arboricultural Officer agreed to look at sending out information as appropriate.


Councillor Mrs Wilkinson referred to Centre Point at Fairstead and the trees that had been removed from the Car Park.  She asked if these were to be replaced.  The Arboricultural Officer explained that this was a hostile area for trees and there was not much room, however replacements could be looked at if appropriate.


Councillor Baron Chenery of Horsbrugh, who had been invited to the meeting as a Member of the Regeneration and Development Panel, addressed the Panel.  He asked if anything could be done about the Horse Chestnut which was going brown and it was explained that this was because of leaf mite, which was brought into the Country about eight years ago from the Balkans.  It was explained that native predators were now realising that the mites could be a source of food so the mite was being seen less and less.


Councillor Baron Chenery of Horsbrugh requested that consideration be given to the Mistletoe present in some trees and to ensure that this was not eradicated if trees needed to be felled.


Councillor Devereux addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34.  He stated that he was pleased that a Strategy was being produced and asked how the Strategy would be incorporated into the Planning Process.  The Arboricultural Officer explained that the Strategy would have to be adopted by the Council and could then be considered as part of the Planning process and provided to developers.  The Chairman asked if the Strategy could tie in with CIL and Section 106’s and the Arboricultural Officer agreed to investigate if this was possible.  The Arboricultural Officer confirmed that he was consulted on Planning Applications.


Councillor Parish explained that some Parish Council’s had appointed Tree Wardens and he requested the consideration be given to their role and relationship with the Borough Council.


The Arboricultural Officer explained that the next stage in the process would be to send the draft Strategy to Parish Councils and other relevant groups for comments and feedback.  A final version of the Strategy would then be presented to the Panel.


RESOLVED: (i) The Environment and Community Panel supported the Draft Tree Strategy.

(ii) The Environment and Community Panel consider the final version of the Strategy, once available.

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