Agenda item


The Chairman then invited Mr Nimmo to present his case.  Mr Nimmo explained that there were already too many outlets along London Road selling alcohol and he had witnessed the public nuisance caused by this.  He further explained that particularly at White’s Paper Shop there was an issue of people hanging around the premises.   He added that the problem was being moved along from one area to another.


There were no questions from the Licensing Manager to Mr Nimmo.


The applicant explained that at the time he paid his deposit for the premises, he did not realise that there was an application for No.58 London Road.


The Chairman then invited Mr Clench to present his case.  Mr Clench explained that there were already enough establishments where alcohol could be purchased.  He considered that the 11pm was too late and would disturb residents.  He also stated that children walked to school along London Road and would have to pass undesirable people.  He considered that a retail outlet would be a benefit but not selling alcohol.


The Licensing Manager asked if the objectors would be prepared to withdraw their objections if the hours were amended, as proposed by the applicant.


Mr Clench responded that he would not like to see alcohol sold at school times.  He considered that the proposal went some way to alleviate his concerns but not all the way.


The Chairman then invited Councillor Lesley Bambridge to present her case.  Councillor Bambridge stated that she was not against a business use but as she had explained in her letter there was a hostel on the opposite side of the road, which was particularly for those with alcohol and drug problems.  She explained that the residents had to leave the hostel at 8.00 am.  She added that people were then buying alcohol at 6am and she had witnessed incidents which she outlined to the Sub-Committee. 


Councillor Bambridge also referred to the cumulative impact of alcohol outlets and referred to a scheme which was operational in Wisbech.  She added that the Council wanted to encourage King’s Lynn as a tourist destination.  The Council were also looking at a Townscape Heritage Initiative for the London Road area which was a main gateway into the town.


Councillor Bambridge added that in relation to the Police not objecting to the application, the Police Officer responsible for providing a response was based in Norwich.


She added that the issue of street drinking was regularly raised at the King’s Lynn Town Centre Partnership meetings and also the SNAP meetings, which she was appointed to by the Council.   Councillor Bambridge informed the Sub-Committee that a resident who worked at the library had reported that the library’s car park was being used as a lavatory.


Councillor Bambridge asked that in relation to future applications for the sale of alcohol in her Ward, that she be consulted.


There were no questions for Councillor Bambridge.


The Licensing Manager then went through the other objections which needed to be taken into account.