Agenda item


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The Committee was provided with background on what the Corporate Risk Register was and how it was developed and how it had been reshaped reducing the number of entries from 40 to 14 strategic risks.


The Corporate Performance Manager explained that the report presented an updated version of the register as at December 2022.  The report gave details of the risks falling into the ‘Very High’ category and the associated work being progressed to mitigate the effects.


The key issues/changes were outlined as set out in the report.


The Corporate Performance Manager referred to an idea raised in a sifting meeting for the Committee and since been explored by Management Team was whether the Committee may be minded to rather than review entire risk register at each meeting to take one or two risks to have a deeper dive and the relevant officers be in attendance to answer any questions from the Committee.


The Chair thanked the Corporate Performance Manager for the report and commented that previous discussion of the Committee had been to pair Members to take a subject heading.  In response, the Corporate Performance Manager explained that could be an alternative approach.  The Chair invited the Committee who was present at the previous meeting for views on how this could be taken forward.  Councillor Rust added that it was felt a good idea to address in this way but believed there may have been concern expressed in doing so.  In conclusion, the Chair explained that it was a very detailed report and she was keen to split off the areas of the risk register either by considering a subject heading at each meeting or divide into pairs to consider a subject.


Councillor Morley explained that the Audit Committee had said that an executive summary would be useful and for Members to look at the groupings of risks, for example, finance, devolution, etc in depth.  Councillor Morley referred to the Corporate Business Plan – the 6 groupings and added that the Committee could look at those groupings and associated risks meeting the corporate objectives.  Councillor Morley stated that it was difficult to connect the Corporate Business Plan, Corporate Risk Register and performance indicators.


The Chair, Councillors Mrs J Collingham favoured the approach to take the Risk Register by topic and explore the associated risks as explained by the Corporate Performance Manager.


Councillor Rust asked if any decisions made by the Committee would be taken forward following the May 2023 election.    Councillor Rust referred to the Shareholder Committee and asked if an entry was included within the risk register as it was the responsibility of the Audit Committee.  In response, the Corporate Performance Manager responded to say that this was a specific risk relating to the Council’s wholly owned companies and the Shareholder Committee was a mitigation measure. The Chair, Councillor Mrs Collingham commented that the Committee should plough on and would like to  make a strong recommendation to look at topic headings at each future meeting.


In response to comments and questions from the Committee, the Internal Audit Manager highlighted that the Internal Audit team were required to support the Committee by looking at the corporate aims and objectives, ascertaining performance in relation to those and reviewing the associated risks.  The team was responsible for providing a view on whether risks were being mitigated by providing independent assurance back to the Committee.


The Corporate Performance Manager explained that one of the considerations was for the relevant officers being present to support the Committee’s deliberations and questions about particular risks.  Councillor Devereux, Chair of the Audit Committee had suggested that  work programme could be developed over a period and the topics could be split out of the risk register and look at a high risk at each Audit Committee meeting.


Councillor Gidney added that it was a complex document and that his view he would like to concrete on the areas at risk rather than the whole register and asked if the register could be summarised and highlight the areas at risk, etc.


The Chair, Councillors Mrs Collingham stated that the Committee would like to look at how to reorganise/format the risk register so that Members could identify the areas which were most at risk.


The Assistant Director, Resources responded to questions from Councillor Moriarty in relation to the Pension Fund and upfront payments and advised that there was a recommendation in the Financial Plan which would be considered by Full Council on 23 February 2023 .  Councillor Rust highlighted the importance of understanding the implications on the pay award 2023/24 at the earliest opportunity.  The Assistant Director, Resources undertook to discuss the comments made with the relevant Assistant Director and respond to the Committee.


In response to comments made by Councillor Moriarty on page 28 – progress against the National housing delivery figures published in November being assessed as part of the Local Plan review process and date of the anticipated Examination and how much up  dating was going on, the Corporate Performance Manager explained that he had tried to do distinguish between new and old text, new text was in italics and undertook to discuss this point with the relevant Assistant Director for a more up to date response and forward the information to the Committee. 


Councillor Moriarty stated that he had a number of questions to ask and would send an email to the Corporate Performance Manager for a response and advised that he would circulate both the questions to the Committee.


Councillor Morley recommended that for those Councillors on the Audit Committee post the May 2023 elections that they read the Government Orange Book and that Members should focus on the outcomes from Internal Audit and undertake a deep dive as appropriate.  In conclusion, Councillor Morley commented that the Audit Committee should signpost Members on the next Audit Committee as appropriate.


The Chair, Councillor Collingham outlined the importance of the current Audit Committee signposting Members on the Audit Committee post May 2023 Elections.


RESOLVED:  The Committee considered the Corporate Risk Register as at December 2022 and confirmed agreement with Management Team’s assessment of the risks to the corporate business plan.






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