Issue - meetings

Meeting: 07/09/2016 - Cabinet (Item 66)


Additional documents:



1. That the outcome of the Inspector’s report into the Examination of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Plan (SADMP) as shown in Appendices 1 and 2 to the report  be noted.

2. That the Council adopts the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Plan (SADMP) Plan, incorporating the Main Modifications as shown in Appendix 2 to the report.

3. That Council notes that the saved policies of the King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Local Plan (1998) will be superseded by SADMP.

4. That the Executive Director, following consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Development, be authorised to undertake any minor updates and drafting changes to improve the presentation of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Plan (SADMP)  as proposed to be modified prior to publication of the final version. This includes the Minor Modifications agreed by the Council on 24 March 2016.


Reason for Decision

To enable the Borough Council to adopt the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Plan (SADMP) and, therefore, ensure that we have an up to date plan to use when we make decisions on planning applications


Cabinet considered a report which explained that the Inspector undertaking the examination into the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Plan (SADMP) had found the document sound subject to the inclusion of modificationswhich were previously agreed by Council on 24 March 2016 and hadbeen subject to public consultation and sustainability appraisal/ habitatsregulations assessment.


The purpose of the report was to seek Council’s agreement to adopt the SADMP as amended by the Main Modifications, set out in the Inspector’s Report.


Members drew attention to the length of time it had taken to reach this point and the level of work involved.  The comments of the Inspector were welcomed, and the fact that he had clearly visited the sites commended.  Officers and Members involved in the work carried out on the Plan were congratulated.


RECOMMENDED:      1) That the outcome of the Inspector’s report into the Examination of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Plan (SADMP) as shown in Appendices 1 and 2 to the report  be noted.


2)         That the Council adopts the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Plan (SADMP) Plan, incorporating the Main Modifications as shown in Appendix 2 to the report.


3)         That Council notes that the saved policies of the King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Local Plan (1998) will be superseded by SADMP.


4)         That the Executive Director, following consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Development, be authorised to undertake any minor updates and drafting changes to improve the presentation of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Plan (SADMP)  as proposed to be modified prior to publication of the final version. This includes the Minor Modifications agreed by the Council on 24 March 2016.


Reason for Decision

To enable the Borough Council to adopt the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Plan (SADMP) and, therefore, ensure that we have an up to date plan to use when we make decisions on planning applications

Meeting: 30/08/2016 - Regeneration and Development Panel (Item 47)

47 Site Allocation and Development Management Policies Plan Inspectors Report - Briefing for all Councillors pdf icon PDF 209 KB

Additional documents:


The LDF Manager explained that the report on the Examination into the King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Local Plan had been published  The report had been sent to all Councillors and published on the website. 


The report was in two parts – the Inspectors findings and then an appendix of his main modifications.  The Inspector had concluded that subject to the modifications contained within the appendix, the plan was ‘sound’.


The LDF Manager then went through some of the modifications and highlighted that the Inspector wanted the Council to confirm to a commitment of an early review of the local plan.  The Inspector also wanted the introduction of greater flexibility in the housing allocations policies.  In addition, 4 new allocations had been put forward.


The Inspectors report would be presented to Cabinet on 7 September 2016.  Once the Plan had been adopted by Council, it would be the starting point for decisions on planning applications and would give the Council added weight in relation to the 5 year land supply calculation.


The LDF Manager explained that the review of the Plan and Core Strategy was well under way.


The Portfolio Holder for Development commented that this was the end of long journey, which he had been a part of for the last 12 months.  He wanted to thank everyone who had been part of the process, in particular Councillor Mrs Spikings and the LDF Task Group, who had put in a lot of work in assessing all the sites.  He added that he had found the Inspector’s analysis intriguing and felt that the Council had done a good job resulting in the Inspector concluding that the plan was sound.  He reiterated that work had already started on reviewing the Plan.


In response to a question, the LDF Manager outlined to the Panel the timetable for the review of the Plan.


RESOLVED:  That the update be noted.